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German Language Cataloger-LAC Group

  • 05 Aug 2021 4:25 PM
    Message # 10805089
    Deleted user

    Position Title:

    German Language Cataloger-LAC Group

    Position Description:

    LAC Group is seeking a German Language Cataloger to work at a prestigious federal library on Capitol Hill. The selected Cataloger will process titles in German by supplying required metadata in MARC21-compliant bibliographic records, following RDA cataloging procedures. The hours for this role are flexible but are expected to be part-time. This work can be completed remotely, but occasional visits onsite will be required, so candidates should be local to or within commuting distance of Washington DC.

    Utilize the Library’s ILS using knowledge of standard cataloging tools such as Resource Description & Access (RDA), the RDA Toolkit, Cataloger’s Desktop, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), MARC21, etc. to supply the required bibliographic information.
    Search each title to be processed to prevent the creation of duplicate records, process duplicate copies, and check authority control of headings used in access points.
    Complete the cataloging in the bibliographic record for German language titles in any subject area collected by LC, following the bibliographic record content guidelines
    Supply the required descriptive elements and Library of Congress Subject Headings for single-part monographic materials being cataloged.
    Identify and refer to LC staff any headings requiring authority work (name, title, or subject) for the materials being cataloged; the contractor is not required to perform authority work.
    Exercise care in the handling of Library materials to avoid loss or damage.

    Intermediate reading and writing ability of both English and German for reading, analyzing and transcribing work into MARC records.
    2+ years of cataloging or metadata experience including working knowledge of library databases, OCLC, AACR2, LCSH
    Must have expert knowledge of Resource Description & Access (RDA), the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), MARC 21, etc.
    Familiarity with the use of Cataloger’s Desktop and the RDA Toolkit is also required.
    Thorough knowledge and understanding of standard cataloging practices and applications in Voyager.
    Focused attention to detail and the ability to follow standard procedures in the physical handling and processing of materials

    Application Process:



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DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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