The program will
feature Joel Snyder of
Audio Description Associates.
DESCRIPTION: The Visual Made Verbal
Making Visual Images Accessible to
People Who Are Blind or Have
Low Vision Registration is encouraged but not required, as our free
registration site has some accessibility issues itself.
6:30 PM - 6:45 PM - Welcome everyone.
6:45 PM - 8:00 PM - Join
Joel Snyder (President of Audio Description Associates LLC) talk about the
Summary: At this interactive, multi-media session, participants
will experience how Audio Description (AD) makes visual images accessible for
people who are blind or have low vision—the visual is made verbal. Using words
that are succinct, vivid, and imaginative, describers convey the visual image
that is not fully accessible to a significant segment of the population
estimated to be 25.2 million Americans (
American Foundation for the Blind,
Through this hands-on workshop, describer training will be detailed
according to the Fundamentals of Audio Description developed by Joel Snyder.
Participants will experience how description makes performing and
visual arts
programming, websites and myriad activities more accessible to patrons who are
blind or have low vision – and more enjoyable for all.
For example, anyone
who presents visual images (museum docents, teachers,
health care workers) can
use AD techniques to “translate” the visual image to words. Through careful
observation and the skillful use of language, he/she enlivens the presentation
for all listeners.
In addition, the
Americans With Disabilities Act and
Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act focus on access; these regulations apply
to the broad range of American businesses and organizations as well as Federal
agencies: Section 508 requires the
Federal government to make its electronic and
information technology accessible to
people with disabilities. Inaccessible
technology interferes with an individual's ability to obtain and use information
quickly and easily.
Finally, the program will introduce attendees to the
varied AD programs and resources available world-wide including ACB's Audio
Description Project website and activities, the U.K.'s
Royal National Institute
of Blind People, Independent Television Commission and Audio Eyes resources, and
guidelines/literature established by the Described and Captioned Media Program,
the Audio Description Coalition,
Art Education for the Blind, and "The
of Audio Visual Translation" by Dr. Jorge Diaz-Cintas.
Goals/Outcomes: At the conclusion of the session, participants will
-- who are "the blind"?
-- the history of Audio
-- Active Seeing /
Visual Literacy
-- how to develop skills in
concentration and observation
-- the art of "editing" what you see
using language to conjure images
-- how to use the spoken word to make
-- developing an Audio Description program
Who Should Attend: all
interested in an overview of Audio Description—particularly arts providers
(performing arts producers/presenters, museum/visual art professionals),
educators, writers, artists, government personnel, health-care workers
PM - 8:30 PM - Closing remarks, clean-up, and information about after event
wanderings. We will also be looking for more ideas of what talks people want to
here and/or give for the next meeting.