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'Driving Advocacy with Data' webinar
18 Oct 2012
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Learn how to navigate the 2012 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study (PLFTAS) for impactful advocacy at the local level during the free webinar “Driving Advocacy with Data” from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. EDT on Thursday, Oct. 18.
Attendees will learn how to interpret the latest data and emerging trends; access new advocacy and marketing tools, including state profiles, issue briefs and PR templates; and use the data to make the case for your library with elected officials and community stakeholders.
Presenters include: John Carlo Bertot, Ph.D., professor and co-director of the Information Policy & Access Center in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland and the architect of the PLFTAS survey, design, methodology and analysis; Judy Hoffman, project manager for PLFTAS at ALA’s Office for Research and Statistics; and Charlie Parker, executive director of the Tampa Bay Library Consortium.
The combination of national and state statistics, your library’s statistics and real-life examples provide the basis for truly powerful stories. Local and state libraries across the nation have utilized national and state data from the PLFTAS to help craft effective advocacy and marketing messages. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and ALA, the study is the largest and longest running of Internet connectivity in U.S. public libraries. Results and resources are available at
“Driving Advocacy with Data” is sponsored by the ALA Committee on Library Advocacy and the Office for Research and Statistics.
Registration is mandatory. Visit the Adobe Connect
event page
to sign up today.
Direct questions to
Jaclyn Finneke, Communications Specialist
Office for Library Advocacy
American Library Association
50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611
312.280.2428; 800.545.2433, x2428
Mailing Address:
DC Library Association
2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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