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Elizabeth W Stone Lecture by Blaine K. Dessy | Von Dran Award to Martin Kalfatovic

  • 05 Apr 2013
  • 7:00 PM
  • Catholic University student center, Pryzbyla Hall - Great Room C
Please make plans to attend the twenty-third annual Elizabeth Stone Lecture Friday, April 5, 7:00 pm, in the Catholic University student center, Pryzbyla Hall - Great Room C.

The lecture topic for 2013 will be The Federal Government's Information Sphere, and the Myth of a Federal Information Policy, given by Blaine K. Dessy, Executive Director of FED LINK at The Library of Congress.

During the evening, the Raymond Von Dran Award, for outstanding career achievement will be be presented to distinguished CUA SLIS alumnus Martin Kalfatovic, Associate Director of Digital Services at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries and Program Director for the Biodiversity Heritage Library.

We are delighted to invite DCLA members and friends to join us for this outstanding free annual event, and ask that you share this news with your colleagues.

Refreshments will be offered at the conclusion of the program.

Please RSVP to

Robert Schneider
MSLS '08 Librarian
Office of Collection Development, DC Public Library
CUA SLIS Alumni Association Board President for 2013 

Mailing Address:
DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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