Participate in Library Service Trip to Costa Rica, June 21-29, 2014!
Are you interested in a unique opportunity that combines the principles of sustainable tourism and educational travel with international community-based library service work?
This trip, hosted by the ALA International Relations Office, is designed for librarians at all stages of their careers. The program combines grassroots, community-based service work on three library projects in the Monteverde Zone in Costa Rica, and a full itinerary of travel activities centered around understanding both the natural and cultural environments of this spectacular country.
The trip will be led Laurie Kutner, Library Associate Professor, University of Vermont, who for the last six years has direct an on-site internship with Syracuse iSchool students building community-based digital collections in Monteverde. Laurie’s subject expertise is environment, anthropology, geography, and global studies.
Joining Laurie for the tour will be the experienced Eric Gomez, owner of Costa Rica Green Adventures. CRGA’s philosophy is to provide opportunities that have a positive cultural impact on both environment and people.
Please express your interest in participating by March 1st!
Michael Dowling
International and Chapter Relations Offices
American Library Association
50 E Huron St
Chicago, IL, USA
p +1 800-545-2433 ext 3200
f +1 312-280-4392