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DCLA Chapter Councilor's Report from the 2014 ALA Conference

03 Aug 2014 9:36 PM | Deleted user

The attached report is a summary of actions and reports of the 2014 ALA Annual Council Sessions. All council documents, when applicable, are presented in their numerical order. The reports from ALA offices and committees summarized are the reports which were presented to the Council by their representative. Reports not presented in Council session, along with procedural documents, tributes, and honorary resolutions are not referred to in this report but may be viewed from the ALA Council Documents webpage through the following link: Council Documents.

All Council documents in this report are accessible through links in the section headings.

Resolutions are presented in their official title (with the exception of CD 18, the resolution for ALA to be a signatory to the Lyon Declaration, as no official title was given), their Council Document number (CD Number), and the action taken by the council–whether or not the resolution passed or failed. Beneath the headings are the only the resolved clauses of the resolutions. For the full text of the resolution click on the CD number. If necessary, there is additional information about the resolution beneath the resolved clause. However, in many cases, the resolved clauses are self-explanatory and no synopsis is given.

Reports of the committees are listed by their titles with a link to the full report and then summarized beneath their headings.

In addition to the resolutions, reports, and actions summarized in this report, there is also information regarding elections to the ALA Committee on Committees and Planning and Budget Assembly, as well as final conference attendance.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher J. Corrigan, DCLA Chapter Councilor (2014-2016) American Library Association

Download the report here: DCLA_Councilor_Report_ALAAC14.pdf.

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DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
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