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  • 06 Mar 2013 11:25 AM | Deleted user
    DCLA Chapter Councilor Jane Sessa has submitted her report of the ALA chapter meeting at the ALA Midwinter conference.  It includes information about FY2014 programming priorities and other ALA Executive Council decisions.  Click the link below to download the full report. 

    DCLA Chapter Councilor Report - ALA Midwinter 2013.doc
  • 05 Mar 2013 9:41 AM | Deleted user
    At the January 2013 midwinter ALA Council meeting, Council voted to place a proposed dues change on the 2013 ballot.  The change would allow the ALA Executive Board to raise dues each year by an amount no greater than the Consumer Price Index without having to go back to the membership. The proposal also has a sunset provision requiring the membership to vote after 5 years to reapprove this authority.
    The proposed authority does not require the ALA Executive Board to raise dues, it just gives them the ability to do so, if they feel it is needed.  In the current structure, periodically Council comes to membership for any needed increases.  Because of this requirement, the increases tend to be significant when they do finally come.  Under the new structure ALA could implement smaller increases to keep pace with inflation and maintain ALA’s financial health.
    I urge everyone to support this change in the dues structure when it shows up on the ballot this spring.
    Jane Sessa
    Chapter Councillor
    jtsessa {at} verizon (dot) net
  • 05 Mar 2013 9:11 AM | Deleted user
    The 2013 version of “Your Guide to the ALA Elections.” and other information regarding the upcoming ALA elections can be found at
     Elections open on Tuesday, March 19.  Between March 19 and March 21 all eligible members will be sent an email with voting instructions.  This year ALA is offering members the option to access the ballot by using their individual credentials and URL that will be contained in the email, or by going to the ALA website and using their ALA member ID. 
    The election closes on Friday, April 26 with the results being announced on Friday, May 3.
    Jane Sessa
    DCLA Chapter Councillor
  • 01 Mar 2013 4:28 PM | Deleted user

    The Student Financial Assistance Committee (SFAC) of the District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA) is pleased to announce the 2013 competition for its Ruth Fine Memorial Student Loans of $6,000 each in support of ALA-accredited graduate library/information science education.  These interest-free loans, which the SFAC can forgive upon an awardee's maintaining a 3.0 or better GPA for the twelve months following the award, have been made to students in DC, MD, and VA since 2002 thanks to a bequest from Ms. Fine (a past president of DCLA).  The SFAC can grant 2 or 3 loans per year.

    The SFAC will accept applications, letters of recommendation, and other supporting materials by mail or email from now until April 15, 2013.  The committee will announce the winners of the loans at DCLA's annual banquet in May, 2013 (date to be determined.)  For complete information, please go to  

    Time is short and all parts of the application must be postmarked or received by email  by April 15, 2013. 

    You may email the application and all accompanying materials (with your name on each) to:

    Alternatively, you can send by postal mail (no mail that requires a signature) to:

    Abby Yochelson

    227 8th Street, SE

    Washington, DC  20003

    Thank you for your interest in the Ruth Fine Memorial Student Loan program, and please spread the word about this valuable opportunity to educate future librarians!

    Please contact Abby Yochelson, Chair of the Student Financial Assistance Committee, at, 202-707-2138, if you have any questions.

  • 19 Feb 2013 10:10 AM | Deleted user

    Catholic University of America’s School of Library and Information Science hosted its fifth annual Bridging the Spectrum Symposium on Feb. 1 in an all-day program that included a keynote address on the role of libraries in the Internet age, morning and afternoon breakout sessions on several key topics, and a poster session featuring 21 presentations among them DCLA’s presentation on Sister Libraries and membership in DCLA. DCLA board member Barbara Conaty organized the poster featuring ALA’s initiative to promote Sister Libraries and especially noted DCLA’s 2011 workshop on the initiative.  DCLA president Jacqueline Protka introduced the newly-redesigned membership brochure and spoke to many attendees about the benefits of DCLA participation.  DCLA board member Karen Quash Martin staffed the booth during the 90-minute session and encouraged visitors to gather items from the generous supply of handouts about DCLA and ALA. 

    DCLA poster featuring Sister Libraries

    Speaker Lee Rainie’s slide showing the growth of social networking

    Speaker Lee Rainie, director, Pew Internet and American Life Project on the topic of the changing role of libraries

    David Shumaker, professor at CUA,  at DCLA poster

    Karen Quash Martin, DCLA Board member with student

    Poster session with 21  presentations

    Photos courtesy of Barbara Conaty, DCLA Board Member.

  • 14 Feb 2013 3:26 PM | Deleted user
    See details in the Events Calendar
  • 14 Feb 2013 2:41 PM | Deleted user
    At the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski joined more than 10,000 librarians and library advocates to release a video message thanking them for their role in supporting digital literacy. The ALA and the Institute of Museum and Library Services worked with Chairman Genachowski and FCC staff members to support broadband adoption–with a focus on digital literacy training through our nation’s 16,400 public library locations. Watch the video now:
  • 14 Feb 2013 2:35 PM | Deleted user
    This week ALA released the first national report detailing U.S. library engagement with the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program. The preliminary report highlights statewide library BTOP projects and improvements they have made to public access technology resources, digital literacy and workforce development. BTOP was established to increase broadband access and adoption nationwide, and U.S. state and public libraries have been critical partners in this effort. View the full report here:
  • 31 Jan 2013 2:55 PM | Deleted user
    The Syracuse iSchool is offering a free open course entitled "Introduction to Data Science" (see for the announcement)

    From the course site (, "Data science is the answer to optimizing (or, for starters, simply dealing with) Big Data. However, the iSchool’s distinct perspective approaches data science with a view of the full data life cycle, going beyond what most discuss as data analytics."
  • 23 Jan 2013 1:08 PM | Deleted user
    The report "Library Services in the Digital Age" released January 22 by the Pew Internet and American Life Project affirms the vital role of public libraries in our communities. 

    Find a summary plus the complete report at the Pew website

    And bravo to Los Angeles Times book critic David L. Ulin for spreading the word

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