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Product Analyst: Database Vendor Platforms-American Psychological Association

  • 28 Aug 2019 12:20 PM
    Message # 7853432
    Deleted user

    Position Title:

    Product Analyst: Database Vendor Platforms-American Psychological Association

    Position Description:

    • Monitor PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, PsycCRITIQUES, PsycTESTS,and PsycEXTRA electronic databases for libraries on third party vendor platforms, such as EBSCO, OVID, and ProQuest, on a regular basis.
    • Search all vendor platform systems used by libraries on a weekly/monthly basis for the proper uploading of data to verify the timeliness of each upload, including weekly correction and deletion files.
    • Create specific searches to isolate potential data problems and report both data anomalies and platform implementation or record display problems. When data errors are found, work with the Quality Assurance Specialist on the correction process.
    • Create a system for analyzing data timeliness, reporting errors in released data, and enhancing vendor platform usage and searchability.
    • Write technical specifications for new product releases and annual reloads. Assist in testing and evaluating (alpha testing and/or beta testing) new products, reload data, and system enhancements for functionality prior to release to the marketplace. Ensure that the vendor display of database records meet technical specifications and fits with the display of similar records in other databases on the same platform.
    • Review routinely all fact sheets, information sources, and technical documentation on all vendor platforms for accuracy and currency. Ensure that the most up-to-date information regarding APA electronic research products including content and coverage, fields and tags, and indexes is appropriate and correct. Certify all documentation on vendor platforms for release.
    • Serve as a resource for staff in other departments who write documentation, search or references guides, and other promotional materials. Contributes written content for database search aids as required.
    • Search other database systems in other disciplines for new fields, design options, and other potential database enhancements. Participate in the evaluation of new information technologies, systems, and programming tools that could benefit APA’s current database products.

    • Bachelor’s degree required (Psychology or Library Science)
    • Master’s degree preferred (Psychology or MLS/ MLIS)
    • 3 years experience in searching vendor platform systems and using Boolean logic
    • Knowledge of vendor systems such as OVID, EBSCO, ProQuest
    • Experience using HTML/XML, and the ability to use FTP tools
    • Excellent written communication skills that can be demonstrated
    • High level of organizational and project management skills
    • Ability to use SQL to query archival databases, and basic knowledge of relational database design and structure

    Application Process:

    Qualified candidates must apply online through APA’s applicant system ( and attach a cover letter and resume specifying your salary requirements. Applications that are submitted without both documents are considered incomplete and will not be reviewed for consideration.



Mailing Address:
DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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