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Library Media Specialist (2020-21)-Alexandria City Public Schools

  • 30 Jun 2020 4:41 PM
    Message # 9070458
    Deleted user

    Position Title:

    Library Media Specialist (2020-21)-Alexandria City Public Schools

    Position Description:

    The Library Media Specialist facilitates the efficient operation of the school’s library services.  This position reports to the Principal.


    • Education:  Bachelor's degree; Master's degree preferred. Must have completed an approved program for Library Media Specialist.
    • Certificates & Licenses:  Valid Virginia Department of Education license with an endorsement in Library Media, or eligibility to obtain one.
    • Experience:  Previous experience as a Media Specialist preferred. Knowledge of library media services.
    1. Human Behavior
    • Relates knowledge of the characteristics of human growth and development to decisions on the effective use of media in appropriate learning experiences.
    • Exercises leadership through assisting individuals and groups in the learning process.
    • Establishes and maintains an atmosphere in which library media center staff, faculty, and students work harmoniously at optimum levels.
    • Plans learning activities which allows students to move toward independence and self-directed learning.
    • Identifies and evaluates student performance capabilities for particular types of learning activities and tasks.
    • Participates in continuous assessment of curriculum and instructional programs based on documented curriculum objectives.
    1. Learning and Learning Environment
    • Applies the principles of learning and learning theory to assist the learner in his/her pursuit of individual and group research and inquiry. Participates in the design, construction, and revision of curriculum on a continuous basis.
    • Provides leadership in establishing goals and objectives for the library media program as an integral part of the educational mission of the school.
    • Plans learning activities which allow students to move toward independence and self-directed learning.
    • Identifies and evaluates student performance capabilities for particular types of learning activities and tasks.
    • Participates in continuous assessment of curriculum and instructional programs based on documented curriculum objectives.
    1. Planning and Evaluation
    • Determines the goals, functions, and components of the library media program to support the objectives of the total school program.
    • Assesses the status of the library media program to plan for future development.
    • Analyzes the assessment findings to plan for the future development of the media program.
    • Identifies and implements goals and objectives for the short and long-range development of the library media program.
    • Develops and implements a continuous evaluation plan to identify the operational strengths and weaknesses of the library media program.
    • Designs, develops, and writes proposals for acquiring local, state, and federal funds to support and extend the library media program.
    1. Media
    • Develops and implements criteria for evaluating and selecting all types of media and instructional equipment.
    • Builds a collection of bibliographic tools to provide current information about media and equipment.
    • Establishes and administers procedures for preview, evaluation, and selection of media and instructional equipment.
    • Evaluates and selects teaching and learning resources appropriate to the developmental needs of students and supportive of curricular objectives.
    • Maintains on-going acquisition program for media resources and instructional equipment.
    • Organizes library media and equipment through a system of cataloging, classification, and indexing which will provide continuous user access
    • Develops bibliographies for faculty/student use in the selection of learning resources.
    • Provides consultation and support for all staff development activities conducted in school.
    • Provides continuous information to students on the materials, equipment and services available through the Library Media Center.
    • Motivates and guides students in the development of reading, viewing, and listening skills which encompass both cognitive and affective competencies.
    • Instructs students in the effective use of library resources and equipment.
    • Instructs students in skills related to retrieving, documenting, evaluation, synthesizing, and using information sources to meet instructional objectives and personal needs.
    • Supervises students in their use of resources and equipment in the library media center.
    • Assesses student use of resources and equipment.
    • Develops a continuous public relations program to stimulate faculty and student use of library resources, equipment, and services.
    • Provides production facilities and services to support the educational programs.
    • Informs faculty and students of the types of production services available or specific needs.
    • Produces instructional media to meet specific instructional objectives.
    • Adopts and edits locally produced media to meet learning needs.
    • Promotes effective use of instructional television and video resources.
    • Produces video programs to meet instructional needs.
    • Implements the effective use of Technology in the instructional program (on-line information retrieval; word processing; graphics production, and other related uses).
    1. Management
    • Applies the principles of management to the development and operation of the library media program.
    • Provides leadership for the development and administration of the library media program.
    • Initiates, develops, and implements policies and procedures for the operation of the Library Media Center.
    • Plans and implements functional organizational patterns for staffing the library media center.
    • Assists in the selection and evaluation of Library Media Center personnel.
    • Implements personnel policies and procedures conducive to effective personnel relationships.
    • Administers personnel policies for the effective operation of the library media program.
    • Provides opportunities for library media center personnel to participate in staff development in an in service training activities.
    • Prepares and provides rationale for Library Media Center budget in conjunction with Principal and Director of Libraries and Instructional Resources.
    • Administers the library media center budget to implement programs.
    • Prepares and administers budget for library media center resources and equipment as part of special project funded by private, local, state, or federal monies.
    • Participates in the planning of Library Media Center facilities which will support and enhance the instructional program.
    • Prepares statistical records and written records of the library media program including monthly reports; biennial state media reports, and annual equipment inventory reports.
    • Develops methods and techniques for promoting the role of the library media program in the school and community.
    • Implements policies and procedures for the purpose of maintaining control systems for the library media, equipment, and facilities.
    • Knows legislation such as copyright laws which affects the library media programs and makes appropriate application to library media center operations and disseminates guidelines to faculty and staff.
    1. Research
    • Applies research principles to the development of the library media program.
    • Utilizes existing research finding to improve the library media center programs.
    • Implements action research and applies finding to improvement of the library media program.
    • Assists teachers in locating research materials.
    1. Professional Growth and Development
    • Exercises a leadership role in the educational and local communities.
    • Utilizes existing research findings to improve the library media center programs.
    • Advocates and supports opportunities for professional improvement.
    • Engages in continuous study and self-evaluation for professional growth.
    • Assists teachers in locating professional resources to stimulate professional growth.
    • Supports academic freedom for teachers and students.
    1. Performs other related duties, as assigned, to ensure the efficient and effective functioning of the work unit.
    • Criminal Justice Fingerprint/Background Clearance.
    • Tuberculosis Skin Test.

    Application Process:

Mailing Address:
DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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