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  • 02 May 2014 11:54 AM | Deleted user

    Science Boot Camp is a fun and affordable 2 ½ day immersion in science topics that strengthens science literacy and research skills for librarians and library students. Enjoy networking with other southeastern librarians.

    Topics: We will spend ½ day engaging with researchers in each of these fields:


    When: July 16th – 18th 2014

    Where: The James B. Hunt Jr. Library on North Carolina State University's Centennial Campus, Raleigh, NC

    There will be two scheduled times for librarian lightning talks about how science librarians are collaborating with researchers at their institutions, and a fun evening out at the Nature Research Center at NC Museum of Natural Sciences.  Room and board are included in our very affordable registration.

    For more information and to register, see the Science Boot Camp Southeast guide at

  • 29 Apr 2014 9:30 AM | Deleted user

    In conjunction with National Library Legislative Day, YALSA has created an online campaign to raise awareness of the important role libraries play in helping teens succeed in school and prepare for careers.  We need your help in getting the word out about it!  We are using a platform called Thunderclap to flood Twitter and Facebook with our ‘take action to support teen literacy & libraries’ message.  The Thunderclap allows people to pledge a Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook message that is unleashed at the same time.  It’s completely safe and will automatically post exactly one message on your behalf at 11am, eastern, on May 6th. 


    Here’s the prepared message (limited to 140 characters) you can help us get out: “Fund #libraries! They give teens a brighter future by helping them succeed @ school & prep 4 careers #nlld14 

    It takes 10 seconds to join the Thunderclap so you can send out the messageundefinedhere’s how:

    •       Click on this link
    •       Choose Twitter, Facebook and/or Tumblr
    •       From the new screen, log into your Twitter, Facebook and/or Tumblr account
    •       That’s it!  You can opt to share the Thunderclap with others (please do!), or just close the box

    Please sign up for the Thunderclap by no later than 11am, eastern, on May 6th.  To learn more about easy ways you can be a part of YALSA’s efforts for National Library Legislative Day, visit


    Thanks for all that you do to help raise awareness about the important role libraries play in preparing teens for life beyond school!  Please pass this information on to library supporters that you know. 




    P.S. To learn about other ways you can support library services for teens, visit


    Beth Yoke, CAE

    Executive Director

    Young Adult Library Services Association

    50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611

    1.800.545.2433 x4391

    fax: 312.280.5276


    Read our new report on the future of library services for & with teens  


  • 15 Apr 2014 4:38 PM | Deleted user

    Hola Cultura posted an inteview with DCPL's new Executive Director Richard Reyes-Gavilan today. Read more at


  • 15 Apr 2014 9:30 AM | Deleted user

    It is not often that the Military Libraries Group of DC/SLA sponsors a Book and Author Dinner, however the topic of this event is too important not to share with the greater DC Library Community

    Book and Author Dinner

    Love and Recovery in the Aftermath of War

    Join the Military Libraries Group of DC/SLA for a Book and Author Dinner on Wednesday, May 14, 2014.  Hear Kayla Williams , former U.S. Army Sergeant  and Arabic Linguist, speak about her most recent book , “Plenty of Time When We Get Home, the story of a journey from trauma to healing  after her husband Brian McGough sustained a severe traumatic brain injury in Iraq and subsequently developed post-traumatic stress disorder.  Kayla is also the author of “Love My Rifle More Than You:   Young and Female in the U. S. Army” with Michael Staub.

    WHO'S INVITED: Friends and Colleagues of DC/SLA and other Interested Parties

    WHAT: Book and Author Dinner, featuring Kayla Williams….MLG’s first in a long time. Bring your copies of either of Kayla’s books for signing. Sorry none available at this Dinner.

    WHEN: Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 6:00 – 6:30 p.m. Networking/Registration; Dinner 6:45 p.m.

    WHERE: Vaso’s Mediterranean Bistro, 1118 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314 , 703-566-2760

    DIRECTIONS: METRO, King St on Blue/Yellow lines, 5 blocks walk or take FREE Old Town Trolley

    REGISTRATION: Please RSVP below by Monday, May 12 NOON

    COST: $32.00 per person

    MENU SELECTION: Choice of -

    1.  Chicken Francois with lemon/butter/wine sauce with pasta

    2.  Eggplant Parmesan with pasta

    All meals served with salad, bread/butter, coffee or iced tea and baklava for dessert.

    POINT OF CONTACT: Jill Lynch -

    CLICK here to Register

    ** Attendance is limited so reserve & pay early.**

  • 09 Apr 2014 3:13 PM | Deleted user
    Registration is open for the April 24, 2014 Joint Spring Workshop!

    Leverage Your Data: In the library and information profession we are immersed in data.  How can we step back and make use of new and existing technologies to take advantage of the tremendous amount of data to move our libraries forward in the digital age?  

    See the event page for more details on keynote, panelists, and other speakers and how to register!

  • 26 Mar 2014 7:36 PM | Deleted user
    DCLA members who are interested in the Books Behind Bars: a Discussion on the Need for Library Services at the DC Jail event on Monday, April 21st - please look over this related petition from the DC Jail Library Coalition. 

  • 20 Mar 2014 11:56 AM | Deleted user
    The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the American Library Association (ALA) Office for Library Advocacy (OLA) seek stories about parents and students who advocate for their school libraries. Stories shared will help AASL and OLA spread examples of parent and/or student advocacy to stakeholders nationally.

    Stories should demonstrate how students and parents value their school library program and the essential place it holds in developing lifelong learning. Stories may feature parents and students who have gone to extraordinary measures to save their school library program and their certified school librarian. Stories may also portray parents and students engaging in small acts of everyday advocacy in support of their school library program.

    Stories may be submitted on the AASL website at The deadline for submission is April 11. AASL/OLA staff may follow-up for further information. 

    The American Association of School Librarians,, a division of the American Library Association (ALA), promotes the improvement and extension of library services in elementary and secondary schools as a means of strengthening the total education program. Its mission is to advocate excellence, facilitate change and develop leaders in the school library field.

    ALA Units: 

    American Association of School Librarians

    Office for Library Advocacy


    Jennifer Habley

    Manager, Web Communications

    American Association of School Librarians (AASL)


  • 01 Mar 2014 8:37 AM | Deleted user

    The 24th Annual Elizabeth W. Stone Lecture will be April 4, 2014, at   6:30 pm, in The Caldwell Auditorium on the CUA campus. This year’s lecture is “Demanding our Right to Libraries:  Opportunities and Challenges” with American Library Association President, Barbara Stripling.

    Please use the following link to RSVP for the event so that we can plan accordingly:

     In addition, during the program, the Raymond Von Dran Award for outstanding career achievement will be presented to distinguished CUA SLIS alumnus Barrie L. Howard, Information Technology Specialist at The Library of Congress.

    We are delighted to share this exciting free annual event with the wider DC area library community, and encourage you to spread the word to your colleagues.

    Refreshments will be provided.

    Visit this link for more information on Elizabeth Stone and the Stone Lecture Series:

  • 27 Feb 2014 7:34 PM | Deleted user
    The Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services is now accepting program proposals for Innovation Beyond the Walls: Doing More with Less, the annual conference which will be held October 29-31, 2014 at the Bahia Resort in San Diego, CA. The primary presenter will be eligible for the reduced conference rate of $150 (one speaker per workshop topic, co-presenters must pay full conference rate.

    The ABOS Conference Program Committee will review all submissions. Please note selected programs may be scheduled twice; therefore presenters should be prepared to deliver the program twice during the conference. You may submit your proposal by clicking here

    Conference attendees range from new library employees to managers with years of experience; therefore our program offerings need to cover a broad range of topics.

    The ABOS Conference Program Committee is also willing to consider proposals from individuals outside of the organization. If you can recommend someone, please forward this email to them, or reply with the individual’s contact information and his/her area of expertise so that the committee may contact him/her directly.

    *The deadline for submissions is April 15, 2014.*

    You have received this request as the contact person for a state library association, a regional association or international organization. Please forward to members of your organization. If you are not the current contact person for your organization, would you please forward to the proper person or contact me to make any corrections. It would be appreciated as ABOS looks forward to proposals from all of you.

    The ABOS Conference Planning Committee is looking forward to reviewing all of your conference proposals. Winning proposals will be notified on May 15, 2015.

    Please contact me if you have any questions concerning proposals or ABOS. ABOS is an ALA affiliate organization which encourages and promotes outreach services by libraries and other similar organizations and agencies.

    Pattie Johnston
    Outreach Services
    Lawrence Public Library
    707 Vermont St.
    Lawrence, Ks. 66044
    785-843-3833 x115
  • 27 Feb 2014 2:22 PM | Deleted user

    We are so excited to introduce (or reintroduce) you to the Librarians Build Communities program. Librarians Build Communities (LBC) started in New Orleans at the 2006 American Library Association’s Annual Conference. Librarians volunteered their time to help rebuild the community in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The event was so successful that participants asked for more opportunities to help.

    LBC is based on the idea that librarians have a wealth of skills to offer our local communities. Skills-based volunteering not only benefits the libraries and other organizations that receive assistance, but it also gives librarians an opportunity to interact with their patrons and future patrons outside the library space. It forges new connections that strengthen the community. It’s library advocacy at its grass-roots best!

    There are many ways that library workers’ skills can be put into action in the community. For example, those with library experience could:
    ● lend their YA expertise at a Boys and Girls Club or a local youth shelter
    ● use community programming experience to help organize a fundraiser for the local Humane Society
    ● put IT skills into action by teaching computer classes at a senior center

    There are a couple of different models for hosting Librarians Build Communities in your area:
    · A state- or local-level librarian volunteer day.
    · A dispersed librarian volunteer day, perhaps state-wide.
    · An ongoing program, where community organizations can ask for librarian-volunteers, and they’re matched up.

    To help you create a successful event, we’ve even created a toolkit that can be adapted to meet your needs. Visit to download the toolkit and get more project ideas. In addition, our team of Emerging Leaders is able to offer extra support to volunteer projects offered through LBC this spring. If you’re interested in coordinating an event before June, please contact Sara Zettervall, Team F Project Manager (, and she will help connect you with the group.

    We encourage you to keep LBC in mind over time as you find yourself planning conference projects or looking for volunteers, and feel free to reach out with your questions and ideas.


    2014 Emerging Leaders Team F
    Librarians Build Communities

    Sara Zettervall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN – Project Manager
    Brian Hart, Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, Charlotte, NC
    Aaron LaFromboise, Medicine Spring Library, Blackfeet Community College, Browning, MT
    Lynette Roberson, Dallas Public Library, Dallas, TX
    Morgan Sohl, Driftwood Public Library, Lincoln City, OR
    Lindsey Taggart, Forest Institute of Professional Psychology, Springfield, MO

Mailing Address:
DC Library Association
 2 Massachusetts Ave. NE
 Unit #: 1653
Washington, DC 20013
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